
So often failed by the housing system
Affordable accommodation
in decline
Independent analysts predict that by as early as 2026 there is set to be a shortfall of over 621,300 student lodgings. It’s a huge looming issue and an issue that will create further problems going forward as substandard accommodation will potentially be adopted to fill the void.
Lowering costs
Intratone’s innovative cloud-based solutions can’t solve the problem alone, but they could represent one small part of the solution by reducing new-build or renovation costs without compromising security, thanks to the nature of a solution that doesn’t rely on unnecessarily expensive cabling, handsets and costly installs.
New build or renovation planned?
If you’re currently planning construction or renovation to help ease the shortfall in student-based accommodation, we’d love to hear from you and to potentially set up a meeting so that we can discuss one of our mutually beneficial student packages.
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