Enhancing Sheltered Accommodation In Coventry

Discover our project with Orbit in Coventry’s sheltered accommodation scheme, where CCSS Fire & Security has chosen the Intratone system to enhance security and accessibility.

February 22, 2024

The Problem

Before the installation of the Intratone system, residents faced challenges in accessing their homes. Opening doors was difficult, especially for those with specific accessibility needs. This posed a significant obstacle, affecting the overall ease and convenience for the residents in the sheltered accommodation scheme. The limitations in the previous system prompted the need for an innovative solution that could address these issues and provide a more accessible and user-friendly environment for all residents.

The Solution

The decision to install the SC-02 intercom was driven by its comprehensive features for sheltered accommodation scheme. This advanced intercom provides hands-free fob access, ensuring convenient door opening, particularly for residents with specific accessibility needs. With a built-in hearing loop for inclusive communication, a video system for added security, and braille coded keypad, the SC-02 intercom transforms the living environment comprehensively.

The Results

This installation of SC-02 intercom has resulted in significant positive outcomes for both residents and the housing manager. Residents express satisfaction with the ease of access to their dwellings, facilitated by the hands-free fob access and other user-friendly features. The streamlined access has notably improved the daily lives of residents with specific accessibility needs.

Simultaneously, the housing manager benefits from the ability to remotely manage access and communicate with tenants. This newfound capability enhances operational efficiency, allowing for swift responses to resident needs and ensuring a more connected and responsive living environment.

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