Next-level design has never been so animated
- 3.5” high-resolution colour LCD
- Surface-mounted for easy retro-fits
- Invisible integrated pinhole camera
- Built-in proximity reader
- Uniquely customizable facias
Welcome to full-colour security
The SC-03 Intracode brings access control to life with a 3.5 inch full-colour screen that displays the date and time, residence, and even has engaging animations and logos when scrolling or answering calls. An adaptable light sensor on the screen adds further visual appeal and usability for multi-dwelling buildings.
and cost effective
As one of our latest offerings, this Benchmark-recognised model combines resilience with innovative technologies and guarantees cost savings, sustainability and accessibility – a durable scrolling intercom that elevates the tenant experience without breaking the bank.
Key Benefits
Click on areas of interest to interact

Light Sensor for Auto-Brightness
Screen brightness is adjusted automatically, so everything is visible in daylight, and you’re not blinded at night.

3.5” High Definition LCD Screen
With a bright scrolling screen to share information, no one is left in the dark.

Invisible Pinhole Camera
Because what vandals can’t see, they can’t vandalise.

Resident-Search Function
You can use the SC-03’s scrolling menu to search by flat number or even by resident name, if so desired.

12 Elegant Backlit Keys
Visitors now have no excuse for pressing the wrong button.

Rugged Finish
Made from toughened thermoplastic, the SC-03’s outer shell was built to last.

Accessibility Guaranteed
Braille comes as standard, and a built-in proximity reader assists those that need their hands for stability.

Audio Induction Loop
The SC-03’s Audio Induction Loop ensures the hard of hearing won’t have a hard time.

Easy to install
Surface-mounted for a simple installation and minimal maintenance.

Proximity Reader
The SC-02 comes with a proximity reader as standard for activation at up to 1m away.
With 2-door central unit 03-0101: Yes
control unit (03-0102)
4 wires (2 twisted pairs)
Ø8/10th – max 200 m
Central – Intercom:
4 wires (2 twisted pairs)
Ø8/10th – max 20 m
Intercom – Module:
4 wires (2 twisted pairs)
Ø8 /10th – max 200
central unit (03-0101)
6 wires (3 twisted pairs)
Ø8/10th – max 200
Central – Intercom:
6 wires (3 twisted pairs)
Ø8/10th – max 200
Intercom – Module:
2 wires (1 twisted pair)
Ø8/ 10th – max 100