Comprehensive Guide to Door Security: Protecting Your Home and Loved Ones

Just as a tenant would, property managers will want to keep the properties under their responsibility safe and secure.

Doing this can be achieved in many ways.

The first thought that comes to many people’s minds is how best to make the door safe so no intruders can access the building. What measures can be taken in this instance?

Let’s look at how a door can be kept secure to protect everybody inside the building.

What to know about door security 

On any external door, a lock system is fitted designed to allow entry for only those with authorised permittance. Without the right key or door code, the door will remain locked.

There are many types of door locks fitted on doors throughout the country, which tenants might recognise any time they’ve filled out a home insurance policy

Routine monitoring should be conducted by property managers to make sure that residents feel comfortable in their homes. 

Intratone has a range of security options for you to keep your properties in a secure condition.

Coded keypads and key fob entry

However, there is far more to door security than just the locks. Many modern doors have keypads that allow coded entry instead, or an RF receiver pad that can be tapped by an electronic fob to release the lock latch.

The beauty of key fob entry is that a physical key can be copied – it’s not as easy to do this with a fob – and a code can’t be discovered by those you don’t want it to. An electronic fob can be programmed and deactivated by you, the property manager, so that security isn’t jeopardised. 

The times at which the door is opened can be monitored remotely from the comfort of your smartphone so that the building you’re responsible for has a set of eyes on it at all times, wherever you are.

With coded keypads, they can also be remotely managed. If your code becomes compromised, it’s quick and simple to alter the code and inform the tenants of this change, updating their security in the process. 

Typically, cleaners or maintenance personnel will be given a different code than residents so it can be checked what time they have entered the building, if at all. Codes can be regenerated if new tenants enter the building or previous ones move out.

For any further information on door security, explore the Intratone website to see what products are available.

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