Can you noticeboard
the difference?



  • Clutter everywhere

    With randon messages left on conventional noticeboads, it’s hard for tenants to differentiate important news from worthless junk mail.

  • Uncluttered calm

    With an Intratone DIgital Noticeboard, environments are streamlined and important announcemnets inmpossible for tenants to ignore.

15” Digital Notice Board

  • Crisp, Bright 15″ Display
  • Two-way Interaction
  • Post in Real-time
  • Polls & Vote options via NFT
  • IP54 Rating
  • Plug & Play

21” Digital Notice Board

  • Huge, Crisp 21″ Display
  • Two-way Interaction
  • Post in Real-time
  • Polls & Vote options via NFT
  • IP54 Rating
  • Plug & Play

A video tells a thousand words…

Find out more about these revolutionary new tenant communication devices here.